Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dalton, The Youngest Person I Know

Dalton is my little brother. I am going to describe him. To start sometimes he's a little mean. He snore's every now and then. He gets in trouble sometimes. He gets along with me. He's funny. He has the cutest laugh. He is nice, fun, caring, awesome, and silly. He likes Dino Dan. Brave, sweet, smart, and crazy are adjectives that describe him. Two of his favorite things are, spider-man, and dinosaurs.He has great imagination. Ghost busters is one of  his favorite songs. his favorite movies are mega mind,  Winnie the Pooh, dinosaurs, and wreak-it-Ralph. He loves to watch me play my video games. His favorite songs are Party Rock, Ghost Busters, and Bumblebee tuna. He loves to play just dance and Mario kart on the Wii. He also likes to play Plants vs zombies and feeding frenzy. Running, punching, kicking, and drawing are some of his favorite activities. One of his favorite summer activities is swimming.

                                  These are things that describe my little brother, Dalton.
                                             (A.K.A The youngest person I know)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summer List

Over the summer I want to:

  1. make a coke float
  2. go to the zoo
  3. go to seaworld
  4. build a rocket
  5. finish story
  6. go camping
  7. watch despicible me 2
  8. ride bike with out training wheels
  9. scooter
  10. ride water slides
  11. go to the farm
  12. take a nature hike
  13. run track
  14. write comics
  15. read comics
  16. blog
  17. pine wood derby
  18. learn to snap
  19. learn to whistle
  20. learn a language 
  21. build a robot
  22. finish reading harry potter