Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am thankful for:
  1. my cats
  2. my dogs
  3. the trees
  4. my moms van
  5. my dads car
  6. my school
  7. my mom
  8. my dad
  9. Dalton
  10. Grampy
  11. Grammy
  12. Nonnie
  13. G-Pa
  14. the farm

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pirates on the Sea

This is a story about Captain Hook. He is sailing on the sea to Earth. Peter Pan is almost to Hook.

Friday, August 5, 2011


i am going to have fun.
i am going to write what the teacher tells me to write.
i am going to wear fast tennis shoes that make me fast.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I Am

I am funny
I wonder when Grammie and Grampie will come back to town and bring sausage
I hear cicadas
I see my baby brother
I want new Webkinz
I am a human being
I pretend to be a droid
I feel sniffly
I touch a lot of things
I worry that police will take me away
I cry when I have a booboo
I am God's son
I understand sometimes
I say a lot of things
I dream about tarantulas that come back from the dead
I try to stay focused
I hope that I never get lost
I am marvelous

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Mall

Aunt Holly took me to the mall today. I played and played and played. I took pictures with my video camera. I turned it off one time.

I even took a video, but it was a short one.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dyson's Summer List

  1. want to go to a birthday party
  2. ride bikes
  3. go camping
  4. eat a Popsicle
  5. run through the sprinkler
  6. see Grammie and Grampy and Gpa and Nonnie
  7. draw pictures
  8. go to seaworld
  9. help cook mack and cheese
  10. paint
  11. go on a plane

Friday, February 11, 2011